วันพุธที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

KIDS Save The Earth

Take A Guess.
Where do you use most of the drinkable water in your house?
A) The kitchen sink B) The garden house C) The toilet

Toilet?!! It may seem kind of funny to be talking about toilets when we’re supposed to be talking about saving the Earth. But there is a connection. We use more water in our toilets than in any other place in our homes.
But a lot of it is wasted, because most toilets use more water than they need to.
Here’s something sample you can do to help turn your toilet into a water saver.

Did You Know
· Believe it or not, the water we flush down out toilets starts out as fresh drinking water!
· Fresh water flows into the tank (in the back of the toilet).
When you push the handle to flush, the water flows through the bowl to clean it out and goes down into the sewer. Then the tank fills up with more fresh water.
· Each time you flush, your toilet uses about five to seven gallons of water! But it doesn’t have to!

What You Can Do
· Here’s a fun project. The object is to put something in your toilet tank to take up space, so there will be less room in the tank, and your toilet will use less water.
· The best thing to put in the tank is a plastic jug, like the kind you get laundry soap, milk, or juice in.
· First, soak off the label.
· Then get some small rocks and put them in to the jug to make it heavier. Fill it with water and put the cap back on. You might need help carrying the jug now because it can get heavy.
· Now get an adult to lift the toilet tank cover off.
· Put the bottle in the tank. Be careful that it doesn’t get in the way of the arm or chain that helps the toilet to flush.
· Now every time you flush, you’ll save between one and two gallons of water. Good for you!

See For Yourself
Discover how the toilet works. Ask one of your parents to take off the top of the toilet tank. Then flush the toilet. Watch as the arm inside lifts and the water flows from the tank into the bowl, then swirls away into the drain. Now watch while the tank fills up with water again, so it’s ready the next time you need to flush. What a clever invention!

